对许多人而言,或许卫生棉是触手可及的,但是却有更多我们所不知道的许多家境贫穷学生,因父母失业而经济受困,没有能力购买女生的日常用品 – 卫生棉的家庭及个人群体。再加上疫情的残酷打击之下,人数更是极速上升。 疫情残酷,人间有爱。Amez团队与主办单位和组织一起配搭,同心合力保护没有卫生棉使用的女生。让更多女性能在这一方面受惠。Amez 团队在这一次的配搭中,赞助了5大箱 Travel Set = 1,440 片卫生棉(Day use, Night Use, Pantyliner) Amez team sponsored 5 cartons Travel Set = 1,440 pieces of sanitary pads (including Day use, Night use, and pantyliner)
Author: user
男人真的了解女人吗?才不!女人都不了解女人了啦!不管什么人,男女都进来就对了! 二话不说,主播直接实验给你看,Amez 超薄吸水能力马上展现给你看,直接剪开来给你一探究竟,到底 Amez 的真正材料和其他牌子的差别在哪里!
Hiphippopo x Amez Review
After few years, we still think it’s a very interesting review from hiphippopo that you must read it! Here’s a sneak peak for you on the article~ To check out the full article, click the link at bottom! Today’s topic is kind of weird.I have been scratching my head since last week to think how…
Things to know about Intimate wash
Why should women need to have an intimate wash? It ensures that the vagina maintains the natural pH levels that most often disturbed due to irregular diet or any chemicals ingredients in soaps or detergents. Intimate wash is not only able to help get rid of infections, and also to maintain proper hygiene levels if…
We have been featured!
YES! As you saw, our brand – AMEZ has been featured on The Happy Hormones, a one-stop platform for all things related to Wellness in Malaysia. They aim to simplify those living in Malaysia on finding the best wellness related services, products, events and places that suit people’s needs. The article is sharing about how…